Terms & Conditions

The areas that are explained in this section of the app are:


1.      Monthly direct debits, memberships and fees

2.      Events, club closures, absences and attendance

3.      Uniform and equipment

4.      Grading information

5.      Rules and Etiquette

6.      Structure of our classes

7.      Reward system




1.      I understand that sessions are billed on the 1st or the 15th of each month.


2.      If I am absent due to holidays, work commitments, children’s school events, personal injury or medical illness I am entitled to make up sessions in the other A.W Kickboxing scheduled classes, If I am unable to make up my sessions then I understand that these sessions are non-refundable.


3.      I understand that all other fees such as equipment, camps, birthday parties, social events examination fees and private lessons are non-refundable.


4.      If I cancel my membership, I must give 1 months’ notice by informing the enquiries team and I must cancel my direct debit myself through my bank.


5.      If I wish to re-join, I will be charged a £30 re-joining fee.


6.      I understand that if I wish to cancel my direct debit I must do this directly with my bank. If I do not cancel my direct debit and my payments continue to come out, I will not be entitled to a refund.


7.      I understand that when I have set up my membership plan, I will then receive an email to confirm this. My license details will then be submitted to the International Combat Organisation.


8.      I understand that when my membership payment and pro rata payment has been submitted to the AW KICKBOXING system I will not be able to receive a refund. 


9.      I understand that when my membership payment and pro rata payment has been submitted to the AW KICKBOXING system, I will then be able to receive my selected uniform and equipment.


10.   I understand that my license will be renewed automatically every year and taken out of my bank through the go-cardless direct debit system at the cost of £30.


11.   I understand that if my monthly standing order does not go through on the correct date then I will be charged a £10 late fee by Go-Cardless


12.   I understand that all other fees such as equipment, camps, birthday parties, social events examination fees and private lessons are non-refundable.


13.   I understand that when I become a member of AW KICKBOXING I will need to download the club app, this keeps track of attendance, progression, club calendar, events and grading levels.




1.      I understand that AW KICKBOXING will close for 4 weeks each Calendar year and Bank holidays. We will inform you when we will be closed via email and other notices we provide. This means you do not cancel your payments when we close as we do not charge for periods of closure. Your monthly fee is the cost of 48 weeks and bank holidays spread equally over 12 monthly payments. If you cancel your monthly Direct Debit, then your Membership terminates immediately, and you will need to pay the £30 Renewal Fee. There is no suspension/freezing of membership whilst you’re away for any reason.


2.      I understand I can make up any missed sessions for bank holidays, any unscheduled club closures, illnesses and if I wish to take a holiday up to 1 week by booking in the correct sessions on the club app.


3.      I understand that if I fail to register myself on the club register when entering the gym this will show up as poor attendance (Coaches will register all children when they arrive, parents do not need to do this). If attendance is not logged this will affect me when going for gradings or my position within advanced programs such as:

Ø  Advanced Panthers class

Ø  Black belt Program

Ø  Leadership coaching program

Ø  Fight team Program


4.      I understand that all club events are available to view on our club app, if the gyms facilities/activities may be closed, postponed, or moved to another time slot, or to a different venue at any time at the instructor’s discretion for the purposes of cleaning, decorating, repairs, special functions or due to change in business demands. There are no refunds for this, but we will do our best to make sure every student receives their full allocated sessions.


5.      I understand that I must attend sessions regularly and if I do not train the correct number of sessions In between each grading I will not be able to participate unless I build up my attendance by training in extra sessions. The expected number of sessions to train are listed within the Grading section of the Terms and conditions.


6.      I understand if I will be absent for more than one week I must inform the customer service team, if I fail to do this then it will be noted as an unknown absence and will affect my attendance.




1.      I understand I must wear full uniform to every lesson including my belt. The uniform demonstrates commitment to the club and is a symbol of unity, respect, dedication, and discipline.


2.      I understand Sparring is essential as I progress higher in the belt system especially if I would like to compete in tournaments. (The correct equipment is required)


3.      I understand I will be expected to own full equipment within the first 4 months of my membership (Equipment is essential for my progression and safety)


4.      Uniform and equipment orders are sent to our suppliers every 4-6 weeks depending on the size of bulk orders and delivery is usually within 2 weeks. We will always keep you update of delivery.


5.      I understand If I train in any new equipment or uniform then I will not be able to exchange it.


6.      I understand that if there is a fault or damage to my uniform within 28 days of purchase then I will be intitled to swap the item for a new one.


7.      I understand that the correct uniform and equipment is required for different levels of ability-

•             Basic uniform when joining (option to upgrade or purchase our Elite Uniform design)

•             Black Belt Program Uniform, Muay Thai Shorts, Shin Instep (Selected Advanced students)

•             Fight team Uniform

•             Coaches Uniform




1.      I understand that If I have recently left another Martial Arts club I will have to be assessed on the techniques I can perform effectively from the AW KICKBOXING syllabus, I will then be graded at a suitable level within the next examination.


2.      I understand the Arts I will be learning are, Boxing, Semi contact kickboxing , Light continuous Kickboxing, Full Contact Kickboxing, K1 and Muay Thai.


3.      I understand the different arts are taught to the different levels of the clubs syllabus.


4.      I understand that there are 3 gradings every year but I will only be able to participate in 2 out of the 3 selected by my instructor.


5.      Students may be denied participation in gradings due to attendance, negative attitude or poor progression.


6.      I understand I will need to be training in a minimum number of lessons to progress onto my next belt, these are explained in the STRUCTURE section towards the bottom of this page.


7.      I understand that I must attend sessions regularly and if I do not train the correct number of sessions In between each grading I will not be able to participate unless I build up my attendance by training in extra sessions. (Which will be at an additional charge) attendance alone does not qualify you to grade, you will only be put forward for grading if you meet the acquired standard of that particular level.


8.      I understand that 2 months before each grading date I will be reminded by email about grading dates and the date in which I will need to book online and make my payment with cash payments ONLY into reception.


9.      I understand that if my online booking and cash payment is not made 4 weeks before the set grading date then I WILL NOT be able to participate in the examination.


10.   I understand I will not be able to participate in any grading without a licence and without wearing full uniform, belt and correct equipment.


11.   I understand Sparring is essential as I progress higher in the belt system especially if I would like to compete in tournaments. (The correct equipment is required)





1.      LOYALTY - I understand that I am a member of the A.W KICKBOXING TEAM and it is very disrespectful to train with another club without my instructor’s permission, if this happens I will be asked to leave without a refund and will no longer be a member.


2.      COACHING- I understand that I am unable to teach my Martial Arts knowledge outside of the club unless I am a qualified Instructor for AW KICKBOXING and with permission from my coach.


3.      CHANGE OF TRAINING PLAN – I f you need to change your class time due to other sport obligations, or for any other reason, scheduling must be approved and confirmed by the lead instructor of the club. If you decide to cancel your membership, you must give 1 month notice to the customer service team.


4.      DAMAGED PROPERTY - Damage to the property or equipment must be replaced.


5.      PHOTOGRAPHIC CONSENT - Photos or videos are not allowed inside the club without permission from a member of staff.


6.      AW KICKBOXING PROFFESSIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE TEAM- If you have a concern, you can discuss this with the customer service team with full confidentiality.


7.      AW KICKBOXING has a no tolerance policy with regards to discipline and respect for other students, their family members, and most importantly to all club instructors and staff members.


8.      WE ARE A MARTIAL ARTS CLUB  – Parents sometimes confuse us for being like their Child’s School. We are a Martial Arts Club in which Respect, Good Behaviour, Conformity, Focus, Determination, Discipline and an ‘I can do’ Attitude are always expected which form the basis of our classes. We are not funded by any outside agency to provide TA support in our classes like it is often seen in schools. While we want all our members to progress, and we will help them in many ways, our group classes are inclusive to the point where we feel a member may need to do private sessions due to behavioural or learning difficulty issues which might hinder the smooth running of our group classes.


9.      INFORM US ON YOUR ARIVAL IF NOT FEELING WELL or INJURED – We may be able to cater for you and create you a new training plan for that particular session.


10.   HYDRATION – You must bring your own water bottles to keep hydrated and to avoid spreading illnesses.


11.   GO TO THE TOILET BEFORE CLASS – Not during it. Avoid disruptions.


12.   INTERRUPTIONS / INTERFERENCE – Unless it is an emergency, DO NOT Interrupt/Interfere with our Coaching at any time during class.


13.   NO SPECTATORS – Only parents of a new student may be allowed to remain in class without interruptions. No other parents or relations allowed without permission.


14.   OUR DUTY of CARE is LIMITED TO TRAINING AREA ONLY - and during Class Time only. Parents should ensure their child attends the correct class (particularly those classes that run consecutively).


15.    COLLECTING YOUR CHILD AFTER CLASS – Your child must be collected within 10mins of published lesson time. You should be present to collect your child. We DO NOT take responsibility in any way for your inaction or whom your child arrives or leaves with. What you arrange with anyone else regarding your child being collected is not our concern, but it is your responsibility to inform us.


16.   POOR BEHAVIOUR – Non-conforming behaviour, chatting back, not trying, being disruptive, bullying of any sort, being dis-respectful, and showing no regards to safety is not tolerated in the gym. Culprits will be disciplined by verbal warning, via exercises, isolation, suspension, or exclusion.


17.   DRESS CODE + EQUIPMENT – All members MUST wear the correct attire for their class that is clean, with correct belt, and bring the correct training equipment. If you forget any of these, then your coach may let you join into class after doing 25 burpees, otherwise you will sit out.


18.   NO JEWELLERY Policy – Absolutely No Jewellery of any sort is allowed to be worn during class. Hair ties should be non-metallic. All Rings, Chains, Bracelets, etc. MUST be removed (using tape to cover them is no longer allowed). With your coach’s discretion any compulsory religious amulets may be allowed provided they do not hinder learning and are safe for yourself and others.


19.   HYGIENE + NAILS – All Nails should be cut short and personal hygiene should be to a high standard. Ensure you and your uniform is clean and smells fresh, otherwise you will sit out of the class.


20.   MEDICAL CONDITIONS – Mostly, you may participate with modified training. A Doctor’s Note that certifies you to attend our classes may be needed. Sometimes private Lessons will be more suited.


21.    ILLNESESS – No need to inform us if you fall ill and cannot attend classes. Just remember to cancel your class booking from the CLUB APP. Do not attend if your illness is likely to spread.


22.   INJURIES – You must inform us of any injuries that may affect your performance in class prior to commencement. Sensei will decide whether you should participate with modified training in class or if you will need to sit out altogether. Your lead instructor will make the correct decision and will be final in this regard. Your Doctor’s clearance may be needed for you to return back to light/modified training after a long term injury.

23.   LEARNING DIFFICULTIES – Ability to participate in the group class will be assessed by the lead instructor. Accommodation will be made to a point where it does not affect the usual running of the group class. Otherwise do Private Lessons.






Children’s programs  – MINI CUBS

Ø  Mini cubs  3 year olds – 1 year program specifically designed for this age group training once a week. As soon as each mini cub has turned 4 they will graduate into the Cubs class 4-7 year olds. Mini cubs will take their gradings twice a year, the same as every other children’s program within our gym.


Ø  The belt system (syllabus) is specifically designed for this age group where each Mini cub will grade their first grading with a white belt, the second grading with consist of 1 tag around their white belt and they will also receive their MINI CUB AWARD, this normally is presented at our annual awards evening at the end of the year depending on how long the child has trained for. When each mini cub turns 4 they move up to the cubs program and will aim for their yellow stripe belt in their next grading.


Ø  The weekly and monthly reward system for this age group is based around a personal development chart, this is where students collect stickers every lesson and have to collect them throughout the moth to be rewarded with a skill certificate, the skills they will learn each month are:

1.      COURAGE

2.      FOCUS



5.      TEAMWORK

6.      BALANCE

7.      RESPECT

8.      ACHIEVE


10.   SPEED





Children’s program – CUBS


Ø  Cubs – 4-7 year olds - This program is specifically designed for this age group training twice a week, once the student has turned 8 they will then graduate into the Panthers class with the 8-11 year olds. The cubs will take their gradings twice a year, the same as every other children’s program within our gym. Those students who only train once a week will only be allowed to grade once a year.

Ø  The belt system (syllabus) is specifically designed for this age group, the belt order is :

1.      White belt  

2.      Yellow stripe      

3.      Orange Stripe

4.      Red stripe


Ø  When each cub turns 8 they move up to the panthers program and will aim for their Panthers/Adults yellow belt, they will have moved from the cubs syllabus (striped belts) to the main syllabus which the panthers and adults learn from, the techniques will advance and the classes and gradings will then become more intense.


Ø  We have three 3 groups within the cubs class based on experience and level of ability :

·        Group 1 – No belts & White belts

·        Group 2 – Yellow stripe

·        Group 3 – Orange stripe / Red stripe

Depending on the ability of each student, some students may stay in certain groups for a little longer or be moved up sooner than expected, this will be decided by the lead instructor.






Ø  Beginner Panthers – 8–11-year-olds - This program is now part of our Main syllabus, where students will aim to work towards Black Belt level. The Panthers will take their gradings twice a year at the same intensity as the adults.


Ø  The group order for Beginner panthers is :

1.      Group 1 – No belts & White belts

2.      Group 2 – white/yellow

3.      Group 3 – Yellow/ Orange

Depending on the ability of each student, some students may stay in certain groups for a little longer or be moved up sooner than expected, this will be decided by the lead instructor.


Ø  When our beginner panthers reach orange belt, they will then graduate into the advanced panthers class depending on ability, this will be decided by your lead instructor.


Ø  Advanced panthers – This program is structured slightly different, some lessons all students will work in a big group or can be split into 3 groups, just the same as the beginner panthers.

Group 1 - Novice grades - Orange to Red Belt

Group 2 - Intermediate grades – Green to Blue stripe

Group 3 – Advanced grades – Purple to JNR Black belt


Ø  The belt system (syllabus) for both panthers and adults is progressed in this order and you are expected to train the correct amount of sessions to be able to advance on the next belt:

o   White – One per week

o   Yellow - Twice per week

o   Orange - Twice per week

o   Red – Three sessions a week (Including sparring class)

o   Green - Three sessions a week (Including sparring class)

o   Green Stripe - Three sessions a week (Including sparring class)

o   Blue - Three sessions a week (Including sparring class)

o   Blue stripe – Four sessions a week

o   Purple – Four sessions a week

o   Purple stripe – Four sessions a week

o   Brown – Four sessions a week

o   Brown stripe 1 – 4+ sessions a week

o   Brown Stripe 2 – 4+ sessions a week

o   1st Degree Black Belt - Five times a week

o   2nd Degree Black Belt – Five times a week


Ø  Those students who only train once a week will only be allowed to grade once a year.

Ø  Students under the age of 18 who reach black belt level will be recognised as a JNR black belt or JNR 2nd Dan. When they reach 18 they will have to take their SNR Black belt examination.

Ø  Sparring class/Fight team – Certain students will be chosen to advance their skills by attending our sparring class once a week. These students will have been selected to attend this session because they have the confidence and ability to be part of our fight team in the future. We do not push students into this class until they are physically and mentally ready as we will not risk any student feeling anxious or overwhelmed.


Ø  Black Belt program – This class is for those students who are at Intermediate level , advanced level or on the fight team. To participate in this class you will have to be chosen by the lead instructor.


Ø  Leadership program – This program is for students who have been selected to join the coaching team. This program is a structured program for both JNR and SNR coaches who have great leadership skills and would like to be 1st class instructors in the future.



The Rewards system for the Cubs program/ Beginner & Advanced panthers/Adults


Ø  Class Dojo – students can collect points throughout each lesson based on different skills, concentration, knowledge, technique, manners etc.

Students can also have points taken away for poor behaviour, laziness and not concentrating.


Ø  Shout out cards – Shout out cards are given out on the last lesson of the week for each program to a certain number of children who have shined throughout the week for a specific skill they have worked well on. (Pictures will be posted weekly on the gallery section of our club app)


Ø  Star of the session – This award is given out to students who only train once a week in these particular classes – Wombourne cubs, Wombourne family class and Willenhall family class. This award will be given out to 1 student in each class who has shown outstanding effort within their performance during the session.


Ø  Star or the week – This is award is given out to 1 student who has worked extremely hard all week and will have their photo taken with our selfie board and will be given a certificate. (Pictures will be posted weekly on the gallery section of our club app)

Ø  Star of the month – Star of the month award is given out to 1 student who has worked outstandingly throughout the whole month collecting the most class dojo points.

This student will receive a trophy which they can keep for the whole month but must return the week before the next student of the month will be given out.

If this trophy is damaged or lost then it is down the parent to replace it at the charge of £20


Ø  At the end of the year the club holds an annual awards evening. At this special event there are 4 awards given out for 4 students in every class from both gyms, Willenhall and Wombourne

1.      Survival of the fittest – the winner of our annual “Survival of the fittest test”

2.      Most Improved student

3.      Best newcomer

4.      Student of the Year


We feel that our Reward system is one of the most important areas of all our programs as it helps with progression and confidence.


If I breach any part of this policy then AW KICKBOXING reserves the right to terminate my membership without a refund.